What is Object Oriented Paradigm in Java?

The term Programming paradigm means the methodology for writing program codes. In general, two paradigms govern how you can construct a program. These two ways are: a process-oriented model an object-oriented model Many programming languages support both the paradigms like python. Python allows the users to code using both process-oriented and object-oriented methodologies. However, Java

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Difference between Constructor and Method in Java

Java is an Object-Oriented Programming language. Therefore, the data and the member functions in Java are present in the classes. The classes in Java contain both constructors and methods as well. Let’s see in detail about methods and constructors and their differences. Constructor The purpose of constructors is to initialize the objects, which are the

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Abstraction in Java

Abstraction involves hiding the complex features of a system and showing only the essential features, making it easier to understand by the user. Java abstraction has various advantages and disadvantages that will be covered in this article. Advantages of Abstraction in Java Increasing Understandability of the Code Abstraction is a technique that makes it easier

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