Author name: Nisha Yadav

What are the Advantages of Packages in Java?

Half of the programming world love java language. Java is an open-source with enormous features that make java convenient. Java is platform-independent, which gave rise to the concept ‘wora’ means one’s you’ve written your application, it can run across any device or machine. Out of all the features, java provides the programmer’s the concept of […]

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What are the Various Access Specifiers for Java Classes?

Access Specifiers restricts access to classes, interfaces, methods, and fields in Java. It sets the domain of the specific Field, Method, or Class. In simple terms, the specifiers determine whether the particular method or field can be accessed by another sub-class or Class. Access Specifier and Access Modifier, both the terms are used simultaneously and,

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Difference between Constructor and Method in Java

Java is an Object-Oriented Programming language. Therefore, the data and the member functions in Java are present in the classes. The classes in Java contain both constructors and methods as well. Let’s see in detail about methods and constructors and their differences. Constructor The purpose of constructors is to initialize the objects, which are the

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What is the Purpose of Default Constructor in Java

In object-orientated programming, the constructor plays an important role. A constructor is similar to the member functions of the class. However, their signature and purpose differ. The constructors have no return type, unlike the methods. Also, the constructor name always matches with the class, which makes it easily identifiable. In general, there are three types

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