Author name: Neeraj Mishra

Java Program to Calculate Compound Interest

Here you will get java program to calculate compound interest. We can calculate compound interest by following formula. Compound Interest = Principle * (1 + Rate / 100) time Also Read: Java Program to Calculate Simple Interest import java.util.Scanner; public class JavaCompoundInterest { public static void main(String args[]){ double p, r, t, ci; Scanner sc = new […]

Java Program to Calculate Compound Interest Read More »

Difference between include directive and include action tag in JSP

  Both include directive and include action tag are used to include some jsp page, html page or text file inside another jsp page. Still there are several differences between them that I have explained in this tutorial. Difference between include directive and include action tag in JSP   S. No. include directive include action

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Why Java Does Not Support Multiple Inheritance?

In this tutorial you will learn why java does not support multiple inheritance. It is a very popular and frequently asked java interview question. What is Multiple Inheritance? When a class inherits two or more classes then this scenario is called as multiple inheritance. Also Read: Why Java Does Not Support Pointers? Why Java Does Not

Why Java Does Not Support Multiple Inheritance? Read More »

Save and Retrieve Image from MySQL Database Using Servlet and JSP

Here you will learn how to save and retrieve image from mysql database using servlet and jsp. This method will work with Servlet 3.0 and MySQL 5.5 and higher versions. Also Read: How to Connect Java (JDBC) with MySQL or Oracle Database Save and Retrieve Image from MySQL Database Using Servlet and JSP Database Create a

Save and Retrieve Image from MySQL Database Using Servlet and JSP Read More »

Difference between String and StringBuffer in Java

Difference between String and StringBuffer or String vs StringBuffer is a very commonly asked java interview question. Both String and StringBuffer classes are used to store and manage sequence of characters but still there are some differences between them that I have explained in this tutorial. Difference between String and StringBuffer in Java Mutability String

Difference between String and StringBuffer in Java Read More »